Synthesis and properties of p(NIPA-co-NVP)/clay hydrogels by radiation polymerization

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zj2008263
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In this study,hydrogels of P(NIPA-co-NVP)/clay were synthesized byγ-ray radiation.Different thermo-sensitive hydrogels were made under different experimental conditions such as dose,monomer ratio,and con- tent of clay.X-ray diffraction shows that the layer distance between Na-clays is changed from 1.6 to 2.7 nm because Na-clay pieces can be intercalated or exfoliated by HTMAB,and that between P(NIPA-co-NVP)/clay pieces is 3.4 nm. The swelling property tests show that the LCST of P(NIPA-co-NVP) is higher than PNIPA.With the increase of NVP content,LCST is higher.As the ratio of NIPA/NVP is 95/5,hydrogel shows the best swelling property and LCST is 37℃.LCST of P(NIPA-co-NVP)/clay hydrogel is not changed,but the strength and swelling properties are better. In this study, hydrogels of P (NIPA-co-NVP) / clay were synthesized by γ-ray radiation. Different thermo-sensitive hydrogels were made under different experimental conditions such as dose, monomer ratio, and con- tent of clay. X- ray diffraction shows that the layer distance between Na-clays is changed from 1.6 to 2.7 nm because Na-clay pieces can be intercalated or exfoliated by HTMAB, and that between P (NIPA-co-NVP) / clay pieces is 3.4 nm. swelling property tests show that the LCST of P (NIPA-co-NVP) is higher than PNIPA.With the increase of NVP content, LCST is higher. As the ratio of NIPA / NVP is 95/5, hydrogel shows the best swelling property and LCST is 37 ° C. LCST of P (NIPA-co-NVP) / clay hydrogel is not changed, but the strength and swelling properties are better.
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