
来源 :兵团医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunna2005
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目的:通过调查研究阐明兵团人口人均期望寿命,分析和评价影响变化的主要因素。方法:建立并完善兵团居民死亡登记信息化报告系统,分层抽样后进行调查与质量控制。采用简略寿命表法计算2007-2009年兵团人口期望寿命,统计死亡个案资料并列出人口死因谱和影响寿命的主要死因的死亡率,与1997-1999年研究数据进行比较分析。结果:兵团人口2007-2009年的平均期望寿命为76.79岁,男性为74.78岁,女性为80.63岁。总死亡率为574/10万,男性为713/10万,女性为421/10万,婴儿死亡率为18.03‰。居民前十位死因依次为循环系统疾病(其中包括脑血管疾病和心脏病)、肿瘤、呼吸系统疾病、不明确疾病、损伤与中毒、消化系统疾病、内分泌/营养/代谢/免疫疾病(以下简称内营代免)、传染病、神经系统疾病、泌尿生殖系疾病。前10位占全部死因的98.13%,前5位死因占89.18%。与十年前比较,期望寿命上升了1.18岁,男性上升了2.05岁,女性上升了0.61岁;死亡率下降较快的是围生期疾病、伤害、传染病,死亡率上升较快的是不明确疾病、消化系统疾病、糖尿病。结论:兵团人均期望寿命指标十年内有所提高,增速趋缓,妇女保健、传染病防治和社会安全保障取得成效,需进一步关注老人健康、食品营养与安全、疾病诊治技术方面可能存在的薄弱环节。 OBJECTIVE: To clarify the expected life expectancy of the Corps population by means of investigation and study, and to analyze and evaluate the main factors affecting the change. Methods: To establish and improve the Corps residents death registration information reporting system, stratified sampling for investigation and quality control. Using the simple life table method to calculate the life expectancy of the Corps population from 2007 to 2009, statistical data of death cases and the mortality rate of the main cause of death as well as the population death spectrum were compared with the data from 1997 to 1999. Results: The corps population in 2007-2009 had an average life expectancy of 76.79 years, 74.78 years for males and 80.63 years for females. The total fatality rate was 574/10 million, with 713/10 million men and 421.1 million women. The infant mortality rate was 18.03 ‰. The top 10 causes of death were circulatory diseases including cerebrovascular disease and heart disease, cancer, respiratory diseases, unclear diseases, injuries and poisonings, digestive diseases, endocrine / nutritional / metabolic / immune diseases (hereinafter referred to as In-house substitution), infectious diseases, nervous system diseases, genitourinary diseases. The top 10 accounted for 98.13% of all causes of death, the top 5 deaths accounted for 89.18%. Compared with ten years ago, life expectancy increased by 1.18 years, men increased by 2.05 years and women increased by 0.61 years; rapid decline in mortality was due to perinatal diseases, injuries, infectious diseases, and rapid increase in mortality rate was not Clear disease, digestive diseases, diabetes. Conclusion: The per capita life expectancy of the Corps has risen in 10 years and the growth rate has slowed down. The effectiveness of women’s health care, prevention and control of infectious diseases and social security have been fruitful. We should pay more attention to the possible weaknesses in the health of the elderly, the nutrition and safety of food, and the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Links.
<正> 一、企业持续成长的核心要素 黄:企业的持续成长,从而基业常青,是企业家们孜孜以求的梦想,但就像人们希望长命百岁却难遂人愿一样,大多数企业都是短寿的。以美国为例,平
【正】 本文试图从心理学的角度,对师范生在教育实习过程中产生的主要心理,以及这些心理在师范生整个心理发展中的地位和作用等问题,进行初步的探讨,以期引起同行们一点必要