Numerical Simulation of Temperature Distribution and ThermalStress Field in a Turbine Blade with Mul

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bigrobbin
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To study the temperature distribution and thermal-stress?eld in different service stages,a twodimensional model of a turbine blade with thermal barrier coatings is developed,in which the conjugate heat transfer analysis and the decoupled thermal-stress calculation method are adopted.Based on the simulation results,it is found that a non-uniform distribution of temperature appears in different positions of the blade surface,which has directly impacted on stress?eld.The maximum temperature with a value of 1030°C occurs at the leading edge.During the steady stage,the maximum stress of thermally grown oxide(TGO)appears in the middle of the suction side,reaching 3.75 GPa.At the end stage of cooling,the maximum compressive stress of TGO with a value of -3.5 GPa occurs at the leading edge.Thus,it can be predicted that during the steady stage the dangerous regions may locate at the suction side,while the leading edge may be more prone to failure on cooling. To study the temperature distribution and thermal-stress? Eld in different service stages, a twodimensional model of a turbine blade with thermal barrier coatings is developed, in which the conjugate heat transfer analysis and the decoupled thermal-stress calculation methods are adopted. Based on the simulation results, it is found that a non-uniform distribution of temperature appears in different positions on the blade surface, which has directly impacted on stress? eld.The maximum temperature with a value of 1030 ° C occurs at the leading edge. the steady stress, the maximum stress of thermally grown oxide (TGO) appears in the middle of the suction side, reaching 3.75 GPa. At the end stage of cooling, the maximum compressive stress of TGO with a value of -3.5 GPa occurs at the leading edge.Thus, it can be predicted that during the steady stage the dangerous region may locate at the suction side, while the leading edge may be more prone to failure on cooling.
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