来源 :Journal of Xi'an Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Ben_Chen111
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Objective To construct active recombinant caspases 3 gene(r caspases 3)eukaryotic expression plasmid and observe the apoptosis inducing activity of r caspase 3 in pancreatic carcinoma cells. Methods pcDNA3.1(+)/r caspase 3 was constructed and pancreatic carcinoma cells(PC Ⅱ)were transfected with the pcDNA3.1(+)/r caspases 3 by liposomes(LipofectAMINE).The expression of r Caspase 3 mRNA in pancreatic carcinoma cells was detected by reverse transcription process of the polymerase chain reaction(RT PCR), and the signs of apoptosis were examined in pancreatic carcinoma cells by the methods of the DNA electrophoresis and flow cytometry analysis(FACS).Results The sequence inserted in pBlueSKM/r Caspase 3 plasmid was coincident with that of the r caspases 3. The evaluation result of pcDNA3.1(+)/r caspases 3 through enzyme cutting was correct. A 894bp strap was observed by RT PCR after pancreatic carcinoma cells being transfected with the pcDNA3.1(+)/r caspases 3 by liposomes. No strap was found in control groups. A characteristic DNA ladder was observed in pancreatic carcinoma cells DNA electrophoresis, and transparent hypodiploid karyotype peak was found by FACS. Conclusion The plasmid of pcDNA3.1(+)/r Caspase 3 was constructed successfully, the expression of r Caspase 3 mRMA in pancreatic carcinoma cells was confirmed by RT PCR, and pcDNA3.1(+)/r Caspase 3 can induce apoptosis in pancreatic carcinoma cells. Objective To construct active recombinant caspases 3 gene(r caspases 3)eukaryotic expression plasmid and observe the apoptosis inducing activity of r caspase 3 in pancreatic carcinoma cells. Methods pcDNA3.1(+)/r caspase 3 was constructed and pancreatic carcinoma cells(PC II)were transfected with the pcDNA3.1(+)/r caspases 3 by liposomes(LipofectAMINE). The expression of r Caspase 3 mRNA in pancreatic carcinoma cells was detected by reverse transcription process of the polymerase chain reaction (RT PCR), and The signs of apoptosis were examined in pancreatic carcinoma cells by the methods of the DNA electrophoresis and flow cytometry analysis(FACS).Results The sequence inserted in pBlueSKM/r Caspase 3 plasmid was coincident with that of the r caspases 3. The evaluation result of pcDNA3.1(+)/r caspases 3 through enzyme cutting was correct. A 894bp strap was observed by RT PCR after pancreatic carcinoma cells are transfected with the pcDNA3.1(+)/r caspases 3 by a characteristic DNA ladder was observed in pancreatic carcinoma cells DNA electrophoresis, and transparent hypodiploid karyotype peak was found by FACS. Conclusion The plasmid of pcDNA3.1(+)/r Caspase 3 was used successfully. , the expression of r Caspase 3 mRMA in pancreatic carcinoma cells was confirmed by RT PCR, and pcDNA3.1(+)/r Caspase 3 can induce apoptosis in pancreatic carcinoma cells.
外经贸部条法司权威人士表示,外经贸部正在抓紧《外贸法》修改案文的起草工作,并将于近期上报国务院。于1994年颁布实施的《外贸法》,对维护对 The authoritative source o
中华人民共和国卫生部卫办法监函 [2 0 0 2 ]2 0 7号广东省卫生厅 :近日 ,北京市卫生局在整顿和规范市场经济秩序工作中发现 ,标识为深圳市海森林生物科技有限公司生产的“乳
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1 本病例的临床特点1 1  老年男性起病隐匿。1 2  患者以持续性低热 ,进行性腹胀为主要表现 ;体征示左上腹压痛较右上腹明显 ,并进行性出现肿块。1 3  发病前 9天因贲