把握用户需求 深入行业市场——专访同方锐安科技有限公司副总经理丁兆海

来源 :智能建筑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuxume
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在2016安博会上,各大安防厂商纷纷携自己的技术、产品参展。秉承“锐意进取,安全领航”理念的同方锐安科技有限公司(以下简称同方锐安)在安博会上重点展示了哪些新技术、新产品?对安防行业又有哪些新的理解和诠释?带着这些疑问,本刊记者采访了同方锐安副总经理丁兆海。关于同方锐安在此次展会上展示的重点,丁总向我们介绍了两款产品。首先是机场速通门产品。其属于行业细分产品,主要 In the 2016 AMB, major security vendors have brought their own technology, products exhibitors. Adhering to the “forge ahead, safe pilot” concept with the square Rui An Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to the same Fang Rui An) highlighted at the Aba Fair which new technologies, new products? What the security industry and what new understanding and interpretation With these questions, our correspondents interviewed Ding Zhaohai, vice president of Fang Rui An. On the same square Rui An exhibition focus on this show, Ding introduced to us two products. The first is the airport speed pass door products. It belongs to industry segments, mainly
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