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  This 1)obelisk is 2)Cleopatra’s Needle. It’s one of a pair that once stood proudly in 3)Alexandria, Cleopatra’s city. This is the story of raging passion and 4)rampant politics, the story of 5)Antony and Cleopatra.
  The Queen of Egypt was quite a woman, beautiful, intelligent, 6)cunning and 7)charismatic. Mark Antony wasn’t her first love. She’d 8)slain many hearts before the 9)fateful meeting with him.

  10)The writing was on the wall for Mark Antony when he traveled to Egypt. He’d already seen the Egyptian queen before, and been 11)beguiled by her. After she’d borne him twins, Mark Antony returned to Rome. But he couldn’t resist the 12)magnetism of the queen, which pulled him back to Egypt.
  As his 13)lieutenant, Enobarbus, says in 14)Shakespeare’s play:
  “Age cannot 15)wither her
  nor custom 16)stale her 17)infinite variety
  Other women 18)cloy the appetites they feed
  but she makes hungry
  where most she satisfies”
  This 19)fiery combination of passion and politics could only end badly. The tale of love, lies and 20)treachery leads to the death of both Mark Antony and Cleopatra. He eventually falls on his sword and dies in her arms. Cleopatra, unable to face the future as a political prisoner 21)paraded on the streets of Rome, locks herself in her 22)mausoleum and sends for a poisonous snake, an 23)asp.
  The journey of this obelisk to its home on the bank of the Thames in London, was also 24)fraught with drama. Having lain in the sands of the desert for some 2,000 years, it was offered to Britain as a 25)token to mark 26)Nelson’s victory in the Battle of the Nile.

  But what of its partner, the other obelisk, which stood in Alexandria? It’s in New York’s Central Park. This obelisk was offered as a gift following the opening of the 27)Suez Canal in 1869, in the hope of cultivating trade relations between United States and Egypt.
  There is little romance in the true tale of the two needles, which bear the name of a woman known for her beauty and sex appeal. But they do stand proud on two continents, as a reminder to all who pass by of one of the greatest love stories in history. And the fact that these two monuments are separated by thousands of miles is a warning perhaps, that extreme passion is 28)unsustainable, in life, at least.

从尚未动工之时至今,三峡工程一直充满了争议。一方面,这项耗资巨大的工程必将为长江沿岸的经济发展起到非凡的促进作用;而另一方面,上升的水位也将毁掉沿岸无数珍贵的历史遗迹和美丽的自然风光,成为人类历史上永远的遗憾。平凡如我们无法为保护这些珍宝作多大的贡献,但也许明天,我们可以收拾行囊逆江而上,在大坝完工之前为沿途的美景留下最后的记忆,成为一生不可重来的珍贵回忆。    It’s called Chan
可能大家都没有留意到“拜占庭”这个词离我们并不遥远。记得那幅克林姆的名画《吻》吗?它就是受拜占庭式马赛克画风影响而成的;还有那些富丽堂皇、典雅超俗的哥特式风格建筑,也是从那个时代来的……拜占庭文化是西方古典文明向近代新兴文明过渡的最重要一环。一千多年的鼎盛,我们在这里从一座古教堂的圣画来一窥它辉煌威严的一角。    Born of the Bible and the 2)pagan Roman E
Desperado, why don’t you 2)come to your senses?   You’ve been out ridin’ 3)fences for so long now  Oh, you’re a hard one  I know that you got your reasons  These things that are pleasin’ you  Can hurt
其实已经有很长的一段时间不愿接触关于二战的东西,虽不至于像张纯如因写《南京的梦魇》而悲愤压抑、难以自拔,但心里也好受不到哪里去。难受的是,在那段黑暗的日子里,生灵涂炭是因愚蠢的权欲膨胀和种族优越;难受的是,即使是晦暗如斯,仍有颗颗善良纯真的心在飘摇闪烁,但它们大多最终无声熄灭;最最难受的是,人们还在用着相同的或不同的理由,重复着相似的罪行,仿似进入了无间道,看不见停止互相折磨的曙光。  不想重蹈历
本文以孩童般的口吻道出成人世界的种种困扰,煞有介事地展现出对现实的控诉和对纯真往昔的缅怀。    I am hereby officially tendering my resignation as an adult.I have decided I would like to accept the responsibilities of an eight-year-old again.   I
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Like many Greek myths, the tale begins in 2)bloodshed. Jason’s 3)wicked uncle, Pelias, seizes the throne of Iokos and 4)deposes the rightful king, Jason’s father. To be secure Pelias must kill Jason,
More than a thousand years ago, deep in the 1)jungle of northern 2)Cambodia, a civilization arose that built the largest and most beautiful temples the world has ever seen. Then, mysteriously, they 3)
作为美国时尚秀开创性的尝试,12年前,知名女性内衣品牌维多利亚的秘密(Victoria’s Secret)开创性地与电视、网络等媒体合作,在美国国内推出电视时尚秀,并且每年举办一次。这个世界顶级时尚内衣秀汇集了世界顶级的supermodels, 小恶魔、锡兵人、复古宫廷风和降世天使等造型层出不穷。  2005年12月6日晚,美国CBS电视台播出该时尚秀的十周年庆典,现场所散发的热辣魅力更是让人难以