
来源 :中国医学人文评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rwsonny
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案例:最近,在某医院发生了一起患者自杀事件。患者为老年女性,主因尿潴留入院,既往有多年高血压、糖尿病、脑血管疾病等慢性病史。入院后留置导尿管,对症治疗。住院期间发生了一侧踝关节骨折。经医院推荐,患者家属委托某公司进行24小时陪护。在患者的询问下,经治医生如实告知了患者本人的病情,明示患者余生病情只会进一步恶化,且须在余生留置尿管。患者知情后,当晚趁护工脱岗之际,跳楼自杀。现医患双方发生纠纷, Case: Recently, a suicide occurred in a hospital. Patients are elderly women, mainly due to urinary retention admission, past many years of history of hypertension, diabetes, cerebrovascular disease and other chronic diseases. Admission catheter, symptomatic treatment. One-sided ankle fracture occurred during hospitalization. Recommended by the hospital, the patient’s family entrusted a company for 24-hour escort. In the patient’s inquiry, the real doctor informed the patient’s condition, that the patient’s condition will only worsen the rest of his life, and the catheter should be the rest of life. Patient informed, the night while taking care of off guard, jumped to commit suicide. Now there is a dispute between doctors and patients,
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这天早晨,吕柱老汉起床后,想去外面遛弯,刚出屋门,突然一阵眩晕,双膝跪地,站不起来了。  老大老二和女儿香秀召之即来,麻利地拉老爹去了县医院。一系列检查作罢,医生说是中风前兆,开了些降压和软化血管之类的药。吕柱老汉没有回村,而是住到了县城老大家。附近有家个体诊所,有人按时过来打针输液,这样既省了住院费,复查调方什么的也方便。  一周后,吕柱老汉能自己走路了,不是很稳,好在有香秀给他买的那根拐杖支撑
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漫漫人生路,让母亲无私的爱陪伴到永远!  ——题记  小时候的夜晚,我喜欢依偎在妈妈怀里,与她一起数星星,听她讲天上的故事。其中,“星河对角,鸡头菱角”这句话,让我知道是秋天到了。  星河对角是横卧在天上的长长银河,到了西南与东北对角的时候,就是鸡头菱角成熟的季节了。鸡头叫芡实,同水里生长的菱角一样好吃,正因为吃鸡头菱角,我才听到了有关天上星星的许多故事。  牵牛星——妈妈在茫茫的银河两旁找出闪亮
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