According to a British clinic, the number of young women currently undergoing sterilization is increasing rapidly. They have no children and do not plan to have children. Five years ago, there were no precedents for young women to do such surgery. According to Jenny Jeffer, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Leeds, about 5% of British women have undergone sterilization surgery before the age of 20 years. This proportion is even higher than in the rest of Europe. Why does this happen? In a sense, this shows that women’s attitude toward childbearing is changing. According to a survey conducted by the Population Survey Office, 20% of women born in the 60s, 70s, and 80s did not want children, and half of them had been sterilized for various reasons. Among women who have undergone sterilization surgery, professional women account for a large number of years.