Identification of a Long Rice Spikelet Mutant

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zkw_2209
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A spontaneously occurring rice (Oryza sativa L.) mutant, characterized by homeotic conversionin glumes and stamens, was found in the progeny of a cross. The mutant showed long glumes andglumaceous lodicules and morphological transformation of stamens into pistils. Mutant floretsconsisted of 1 to 3 completely developed pistils, some pistilloid stamens with filaments, buttipped by bulged tissue and 0 to 3 stigmas. It seems that the mutant phenotype of the homeoticconversions in glumes and stamens is similar to that of the B loss-of-function mutants inArabidopsis and Antirrhinum. The mutant is controlled by a single recessive gene as asegregation ratio of 3:1 (wild type to mutant plants) was observed in the F2 generation. A spontaneously occurring rice (Oryza sativa L.) mutant, characterized by homeotic conversionin glumes and stamens, was found in the progeny of a cross. The mutant showed long glumes and glumaceous lodicules and morphological transformation of stamens into pistils. Mutant floretsconsisted of 1 to 3 completely developed pistils, some pistilloid stamens with filaments, buttipped by bulged tissue and 0 to 3 stigmas. It seems that the mutant phenotype of the homeotic conversions in glumes and stamens is similar to that of the B loss-of-function mutants in Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum. The mutant is controlled by a single recessive gene as a segregation ratio of 3: 1 (wild type to mutant plants) was observed in the F2 generation.
摘要:“班班通”辅助历史教学改变了传统教学方式,弥补了传统教学模式的不足,我从“班班通”辅助历史教学能激发学生兴趣、引导学生自学、化繁为简、化难为易,表现了“班班通”辅助历史教学的有效性。  关键词:“班班通” 历史教学  “改变传统教学方式,从关注知识传授转变为关注学生发展,由只关注学习结果转变为既关注学习过程和结果的双向性,以不断促进历史教育质量的发展”。在我校“班班通”的产生和广泛应用中,
摘要:针对传统的教学考核评价过于重视学生学习结果的不足,本文探讨中职教学考核评价学生新模式,提出要立足实效、创新考核评价的方法和标准,采用多样化的手段与形式对学生的教学学习进行评价,重视学生学习过程,提倡多元化考核。  关键词:中职;教学;考核评价  一、传统考核评价方式的弊端  按照现行的考试规定,“考试科平时测验及作业占20%,期中考试占20%,期末考试占60%;考查科平时测验占30%,作业及
支两个凳子,架一块木板,用铅笔画线,用凿子凿眼儿,用菜刀削砍,后期用砂纸打磨……宋立中就这般原始的、真正纯手工地做弓。 Support two stools, frame a piece of wood, pe
主题:在物理教学中,向学生的主动探索开放,向学生参与教学的可能性开放,向师生合作共同探索新知识的过程开放,能更好的激发学生的兴趣和探知欲。  背景:现代教学改革的方向是“以学生发展为本”,给予学生更多的思维空间,教会他们研究问题的方法和科学思维的方式。以基本的科学知识和实验为指导,强调学生的主体性、教学的探究性。在学生知识技能的掌握、能力的形成和态度的培养中,教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用始终贯穿
目的:  过敏性紫癜(anaphylactoid purpura,AP)又称亨诺-许兰紫癜(Henoch-Schonlein purpura,HSP),是儿童时期最常见的小血管炎症为主要病变的变态反应性疾病。由于目前发病机