思考·新价值 CCTV-5广告传播样态与效果评估体系构建

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未来广告从1995年即开始代理中央电视台的体育频道,迄今已有18年。在这18年中,未来广告对于体育频道的认识,对于体育产品的认识,经历了不同的阶段,从首次把赞助权益的标版呈现到媒体上,到2006年赛事分类销售,再到2009年开始向体育产业链上游渗透,与赛事组委会合作为客户提供一站式体育营销整合服务,未来广告的这些探索和实践契合了中国体育营销发展不同阶段的不同市场需求;也是在这个过程中,未来广告一步一步成长起来,并逐步确立了以体育营销为主的发展思路,和打造国际化体育集团公司的愿景。同时,更 Advertising in the future Since 1995, CCTV has been the agent of sports channel, which has been 18 years. In the past 18 years, future advertisements on sports channels and sports products have undergone different stages. From the first publication of the sponsorship package to the media, to the classification of sales in 2006 and to 2009 Began to infiltrate the upstream of the sports industry chain and cooperate with the Organizing Committee of the Games to provide customers with one-stop sports marketing integration services. These future ad’s exploration and practice fit the different market needs of different stages of sports marketing development in China. It is also in this process that, The future of advertising step by step to grow up, and gradually established to sports marketing-based development ideas, and to create a vision of international sports group. At the same time, more