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陇川农场腐肥科研小组,在“农业学大寨”普及大寨县的伟大号召鼓舞下,他们积极响应英明领袖华主席提出“抓纲冶国”的战略决策,深揭狠批“四人帮”及其帮派体系破坏革命、破坏科研的反革命滔天罪行,大搞群众性的腐肥科学实验活动,利用黄豆、白花灰叶豆及太阳麻等豆科植物的种子,磨成细粉或豆浆,使其尿酶分解尿素产生氨、氨化煤粉制作腐肥获得成功,及时地解决了边疆地区制作腐肥经常缺碳铵的困难,降低了生产成本、改善了生产腐肥的劳动条件。他们因地制宜,就地取材、土法上马、不用碳铵制成腐肥的经验,值得推广。 现将这个科研组的具体作法,简介如下: 将黄豆磨成粉,越细越好(磨成豆浆亦可),一斤黄豆粉(或十斤灰叶豆或太阳麻)可分解1000斤尿素,可供制作腐肥4 Inspired by the great call of popularizing Dazhai County to popularize Dazhai in agriculture, they actively responded to the wise decision made by Chairman Hua of China on “grasping the country and guiding the country,” deeply exposed the “Gang of Four” And its gang system to undermine the revolution and undermine the counterrevolutionary heinous crimes of scientific research, and vigorously engage in mass scientific experiments on the activities of manure. By using seeds of legumes such as soybean, white bean and sun hemp, they are ground into fine powder or soy milk The urease decomposes urea to produce ammonia and ammoniated pulverized coal to make rotten fertilizer to be successful. It solves the difficulty of often lacking ammonium fertilizers in the border areas, reduces the production cost and improves the working conditions of producing rotting fertilizer. They adapted to local conditions, local materials, soil launched, do not use ammonium bicarbonate made rotten experience, it is worth promoting. Now the specific practices of this research group are summarized as follows: The soybeans ground into powder, the finer the better (ground into soy milk can be), a pound of soy flour (or ten pounds of gray beans or sun hemp) can decompose 1000 pounds of urea , For the production of fertilizer 4
土默特左旗不仅是内蒙古重要的奶牛养殖基地,同时也是重要的苜蓿生产基地.截止到2014年,全旗苜蓿种植面积达到11,590 hm2,极大地推动了内蒙古奶产业的蓬勃发展.通过对土默特
IEEE汇刊AES 1998年7月号登载了“对K分布加高斯分布杂波的最佳和失配检测”一文。该文对雷达研究人员,特别对信号检测专业人员有参考意义。 大家知道,局部杂波功率的起伏是
  El tender que en 2006 aprobó el Gobierno de Abu-Dhabi, genero una repentina y fuerte demanda de forraje procedente de Emiratos Arabes Unidos, a la que se u