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安全文化是人们从事安全生产活动所创造的安全价值观、安全行为准则与安全物质形态的总和,是保护人的身心健康。尊重人的生命,实现人的价值的文化。近年来,中铁十一局集团四公司武广1标项目部通过在安全文化建设中的逐步实践,推出了以“一本手册、一套系统、一套制度、一个流程、一张网络”为主要内容的“五个一”安全文化体系,使企业安全工作处于持续稳定发展 Safety culture is the sum of safety values, safety codes of conduct and safe material forms created by people engaged in safety production activities to protect people’s physical and mental health. Respect for human life and realize the value of human culture. In recent years, China Railway 11 Bureau Group 4 Wu Guang 1 standard project department through the gradual practice in the construction of safety culture, launched a “manual, a system, a system, a process, a network ”As the main content of the“ five one ”safety culture system, so that corporate security work in a sustained and stable development
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