An Analysis of Auto Production & Sales in 2000

来源 :China Auto | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HONEYMXR
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Chinese auto industry still developed well in 2000. The government maintained .the positive financial policies with more investment injected on infrastructure construction. The western development campaign stimulated the demand growth for buses, trucks and other kinds of vehicle and the recovery of national economy also promoted individual purchase of automobiles. The competition within the auto industry became fiercer and fiercer, along with the WTO entry approaching, upon which the auto manufacturers had to improve their product mix to meet the demand Of various customers with more marketable products. In one word, 2000 is a Chinese auto industry still developed well in 2000. The government maintained .the positive financial policies with more investment injected on infrastructure construction. The western development campaign stimulated the demand growth for buses, trucks and other kinds of vehicle and the recovery of national economy also promoted Individual purchase of automobiles. The competition within the auto industry became fiercer and fiercer, along with the WTO entry approaching, upon which the auto manufacturers had to improve their product mix to meet the demand Of various customers with more marketable products. In 2000 is a
列入工程机械行业“十五”发展规划的凿岩机械与气动工具产品产量 ,预计到 2 0 0 5年 ,各种凿岩机的产量将比 1 999年增长 2 5% ;各种钻车、钻机和钻架的产量将比 1 999年增
 新世纪的 2月 24日,在全国“电力市场整顿及优质服务年活动”宣传日中,记者漫步长沙、衡阳、湘潭、株洲、益阳等城市街头,只见一个个由电力部门精心布置的宣传点热闹非凡。“
近日,湖北省电力行协副会长余祥国等领导在对京山县过渡时期农电管理及体制改革进行调研时,呼吁全社会切实重视农电工作。 一是体制不顺改革难;二是资产不清移交难;三是安全风险