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有些老师在上英语试卷讲评课都步入了老师讲学生听,全卷讲解的误区。他们认为分析试卷越全面、越仔细越好,甚至还把答案投在投影上,生怕漏掉学生还未掌握的某些知识。其实这样做相当吃力不讨好,而教师在讲解学生已知知识时,学生容易产生听觉疲劳,走神开小差,而当等到老师讲解未知问题时,学生很难做到专心听课,仔细领会,长此以往,恶性循环,课堂教学耗时多,收效低,学生被动听讲,机械记忆,注重答案而往往不理解这一答案背后所蕴含的思路和方法,大量的时间浪费在重复的劳动上。 Some teachers in the English papers commentary class have entered the teacher to listen to students, the whole volume to explain the errors. They think the more comprehensive the examination paper, the more carefully the better, and even put the answer in the projection, for fear of missing some of the knowledge students have not mastered. In fact, this is quite a thankless task. When teachers explain the students’ known knowledge, the students are prone to hearing fatigue and despise students. When the teacher talks about the unknown problem, it is very difficult for students to concentrate on listening to the lectures and carefully understand the long run and the vicious Circulation, time-consuming classroom teaching, low efficiency, passive listening students, mechanical memory, pay attention to the answer often do not understand the ideas behind this answer and methods, a lot of time wasted on duplication of labor.
在ISDN中,图象通信业务已占主要地位,本文就图象通信业务在ATM网络上的接入问题作相应探讨,提出了ATM自适应层(AAL)相对第一类AAL服务类型CBRVIDEO的硬件处理框图 In ISDN, the image communication servi
  目的:探讨导管射频消融治疗频发室早的效果.方法:共60例,男38例,女22例.年龄平均29.2(8~ 59),病史平均3.9年(0.5~14年),均有反复发作心悸史,早搏逐年增多,临床症状明显,影响
  目的:本文报告70例心房颤动(房颤) 经导管射频消融治疗的结果,探讨导管射频消融治疗房颤的疗效及并发症.资料与方法:2007年10月~2010年6月共70例房颤患者,年龄56.1±13.3(35~79
“健康不是一切,但没有健康却一切都会落空。”这种说法虽过于绝对,却表达了健康可贵这一事实。 随着科学的发展和人们经济生活水平的提高,健康的涵义正在不断改变之中。现