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在科尔沁沙地南缘.西辽河、教来河之间,有一片沙沼地带,总面积约79万亩.解放前这里恶狼出没,土匪横行,民不聊生,人称“穷棒梁”。解放后,这里成了周围7个苏木(乡、镇)和两个国营农牧场的长期放牧基地,由于干旱、风多,加上人畜践踏,草牧场退化日益加剧,给当地牧民的生产生活带来严重困难. In the southern margin of Horqin sandy land, there is a sandy savannah between Xiliao River and Jiao Laihe, with a total area of ​​about 79 million mu. Before the liberation, there were wolves and hawks. After the liberation, it has become a long-term grazing base of seven surrounding Hemu (townships and towns) and two state-owned farms. Due to the drought, the wind and the trampling of human beings and livestock, the degradation of pastures and grazing land is worsening and the production of local herdsmen Life brings serious difficulties.
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I HAVE A FRIEND who is failing in love.She honestlyclaims the sky is bluer.Mozart moves her to tears.Shehas lost 15 pounds and looks like a cover girl.“I’m y
AS SHE STRIDES IN-TO Pazzia,a fashionablerestaurant in Los Angeles,Glenn Close startles thecrowd.Her hair is croppedclose to the scalp in a severeJoan of Arc’
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