
来源 :金属热处理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yong1123
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为了构建广东地区热处理业界与政府之间的桥梁关系,配合政府工作规划的实施,发挥社团组织促进社会公共利益的功能,代表和维护全行业的合法权益和共同经济利益,规范市场秩序,构筑为业界服务的适用体系,方便企业通过社团组织公共平台,在技术研讨、经济信息、经营管理、市场行为、人才培训等等方面进行沟通、交流和合作,有效地推动广东热处理行业的转型升级和可持续发展,经广东省民政厅批准,同意成立广东省热处理协会。2012年12月8日,广东省热处理协会成立庆典在广东东莞市隆重举行。来自广东省热处理业界的140多名代表参加了会议,中国热处理行业协会理事长佟晓辉出席会议并讲话。出席会议的还有来自国内外知名的相关企业代表。 In order to build a bridge between the heat treatment industry and the government in the Guangdong region, and in accordance with the implementation of the government’s work plan, the functions of the community organizations in promoting public interests are displayed, the legitimate rights and interests of the entire industry are shared and safeguarded, and the market economy is standardized. The applicable system of industry services facilitates enterprises to communicate, exchange, and cooperate in technical discussions, economic information, business management, market behavior, and talent training through the organization of public platforms, effectively promoting the transformation and upgrading of Guangdong’s heat treatment industry. Sustained development, approved by the Guangdong Provincial Civil Affairs Department, agreed to establish Guangdong Heat Treatment Association. On December 8, 2012, the founding ceremony of the Guangdong Heat Treatment Association was held in Dongguan, Guangdong Province. More than 140 representatives from the heat treatment industry in Guangdong Province attended the meeting. Mr. Xiaohui Xiao, Chairman of China Heat Treatment Industry Association, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Also attending the meeting were representatives from well-known domestic and foreign companies.
2013和煦的阳光,暖暖地照在我们身上,它不仅温暖着被末日传说洗礼过的人们,更昭示着一个崭新时代的再度启航。这恰与,我们前不久采访过的宏碁中国中小企业业务本部总经理 贾德顺先生对2013年国内中小企业市场的期许,遥相呼应。  尽管在经历了同样的IT经济寒冬,贾总对2013年国内中小企业IT市场充满了期待。贾总坦言,经济疲软对于大型企业的IT投入的确造成了比较大的影响,这直接导致整个IT产业在201
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