Emergent motifs of macroscopic nanowire assemblies

来源 :National Science Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sinbala
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In the past two decades,the ield of nanowire assemblies has lourished,with activity focused on both fundamental and applied research.Nanowire assemblies of a diverse range of compositions with tailored physical properties have been constructed using nanowires as building blocks.Many physical properties are signiicantly altered when the nanowire diameter is close to or below certain length scales,such as the exciton Bohr radius,the wavelength of light,the phonon mean free path,the critical size of magnetic domains,or the exciton difusion In the past two decades, the ield of nanowire assemblies has lourished, with activity focused on both fundamental and applied research. Nanowire assemblies of a diverse range of compositions with tailored physical properties have been constructed using nanowires as building blocks. Many physical properties are signiicantly altered when the nanowire diameter is close to or below certain length scales, such as the exciton Bohr radius, the wavelength of light, the phonon mean free path, the critical size of magnetic domains, or the exciton difusion
海南万泉河水资源保护规划研究宗子就,荆帆,沙平(北京有色冶金设计研究总院北京100038)谢宁,蔡小平(琼海市环境资源局海南571400)关键词水资源,水质控制目标,保护规划ASTADYONTHEWATERRESOURCEPROTECTIONPROG... Research on Protection
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石头是班上最调皮捣蛋的学生。成绩差点儿,如果老老实实也就算了,可他整天惹是生非;上课睡觉也就算了,可他有时睡不着就故意弄出声音,或是突然冒出一句歌声,打断老师的讲课;被老师批评时,如果他乖乖认错也就算了,可他做错了还爱狡辩。   老师气得批评他无药可救,他却嬉皮笑脸地说:“老师,我又没病,不用药!”说完,还装出一副天真活泼的模样,气得老师白眼一翻,差点儿晕倒。   遇上石头这样的捣蛋学生,老师虽然