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大连日报孙友深同志寄来的这篇稿件,我们决定发表。他反映的情况和问题是个别的吗?肯定不是。凡改革,都有难。怎样正确看待和分析当前新闻改革的难?如何积极、慎重而又有效地推动新闻改革的发展?这些问题很值得我们新闻界的同行们思考。 Dalian Daily Secretary Comrade Sun You-deep sent this manuscript, we decided to publish. Is the situation and the problems he reflected are individual? Certainly not. Where reform, there are difficulties. How to Correctly Understand and Analyze Current News How Difficult to Reform? How to promote the development of news reform actively, prudently and effectively? These issues deserve our colleagues in the media to think about it.
Background:MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a significant type of non-coding RNAs,which usually were encoded by endogenous genes with about ~22 nt nucleotides.Accumulating
Background:The increase in global population,climate change and stagnancy in crop yield on unit land area basis in recent decades urgently call for a new approa
夏枯草(Prunella vugaris L.)是唇形科夏枯草属的多年生草本植物,以干燥果穗入药,具有清火明目、散结消肿等功效。夏枯草种子存在发芽迟缓、发芽不整齐的问题。本文主要研究了不同贮藏时间(贮藏2年、贮藏1年、采收当年)夏枯草种子萌发及生理特性,通过引发技术提高贮藏种子的活力,测定不同贮藏时间夏枯草果穗中的主要活性成分,并通过不同播种技术对采收当年、贮藏1年的夏枯草种子进行种植,研究其农艺
Background: Time-lapse live cell imaging of a growing cell population is routine in many biological investigations.A major challenge in imaging analysis is accu
Background:MicroRNAs (miRNAs) regulate target gene expression at post-transcriptional level.Intense research has been conducted for miRNA identification and the