明确德育重点 培养一代新人

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在发展社会主义商品经济和改革开放的条件下,如何加强和改革中小学的德育工作,是个需要认真研究的新课题。从近几年中小学生的思想实际和一些学校及地方德育工作的经验看,对中小学生进行爱国主义教育,劳动教育和集体主义教育特别重要。应当做为德育工作的重点,扎扎实实抓好。爱国主义体现一个国家和民族的凝聚力,是鼓舞人们建设祖国、保卫祖国、为祖国贡献一切的强大精神力量、进行爱国主义教育,有利于学生树立远大理想,保证学生沿着正确的政治方向发展。在世界土长期存在着两种社会制度、两种思想体系的条件下,在我国实行改革开放的政策,对中小学生加强爱国主义教育尤为迫切、 Under the conditions of developing the socialist commodity economy and reform and opening up, how to strengthen and reform the moral education in primary and secondary schools is a new topic that needs careful study. From the practical thinking of elementary and middle school students and the experience of some schools and local moral education in recent years, it is particularly important for primary and secondary school students to carry out patriotic education, labor education and collectivism education. Should be the focus of moral education, down-to-earth and do a good job. Patriotism, which embodies the cohesion of a country and its people, is a powerful spiritual force that inspires people to build their motherland, defend their motherland and make their contribution to the motherland. Patriotism education will help students to establish ambitious ideals and ensure their development in the right political direction. Under the condition that there are two kinds of social systems and two kinds of ideological systems in the earth for a long time, the policy of reform and opening up is implemented in our country and the education of patriotism for primary and secondary school students is even more urgent.
读罢八九年高考生物试题,感到有几道题目的提法及标准答案有值得商榷之处。 1、第16道题:“动物细胞有丝分裂过程中,中心粒的分开和复制分别发生在:“A前期和后期 B 中期和
依据分段识别法将我国煤炭企业跨国并购中的风险分为并购准备阶段的风险、并购实施阶段的风险、并购整合阶段的风险,并提出防范这些风险的具体对策。 According to the meth