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中国封建史学发展到了宋代,达到鼎盛。继宋而起的元朝是我国历史上第一个以少数民族入主中原而统治全国的朝代。对于比自己先进发达得多的汉族文化,元朝统治者不得不采取一些有利于自己发展的统治政策,“以国朝之成法,援唐宋之故典,参辽金之遗制,附会汉法。”元代的史学亦既是宋代史学的继承和延续,同时又保持了本身的一些特色。其中最为突出的是在史学领域内掀起了二股思潮,一股是重视史学鉴戒教育作用的鉴戒史学思潮,另一股是围绕辽、金、宋三史编修义例而展开的关于史学正统观念的大辩论思潮。这二股思潮的出现,对整个元代史学产生过重大的影响。元代屡设史馆诏修辽、金、宋三史,修订累朝实录,汇编《元典章》、《经世大典》等都与史学内部、特别是包括最高统治者在内 Chinese feudal history developed to the Song Dynasty, reached its peak. Following the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty was the first dynasty in our history to dominate the whole country with ethnic minorities entering the Central Plains. For the Han culture, which is much advanced than its own, the Yuan rulers had to take some governing policies conducive to their own development. “Taking the method of the state dynasty as a guide to the Tang and Song dynasties, the legacy of the Liao Jin Dynasty, Act. ”The history of the Yuan Dynasty was also the inheritance and continuation of the historiography of the Song Dynasty, while maintaining some of its own characteristics. One of the most prominent is in the field of history set off two thoughts, one is to pay attention to the role of historiography and the role of education, while the other is based on the history of Liao, Jin and Song, Big debate trend. The emergence of these two thoughts has had a significant impact on the history of the Yuan Dynasty. In the Yuan dynasty, the history museum was set up to revise the history of the Three Kingdoms of Liao, Jin and Song, revising the records of the T’ai dynasty and compiling the “Yuan Dianzhang” and the “Journey of the World” together with the interior of historiography, especially including the supreme ruler
<正> 根据国家标准计量局和一机部下达的标准化工作计划,“绝缘材料通用电性能试验方法国标”和“电工绝缘材料产品分类、命名及型号”、“聚酯薄膜”、“聚酯薄膜复合制品”
边塞诗在唐代出现了空前繁荣的局面。因此有人说边塞诗乃唐代特有的产物 ,此说有失公允。边塞诗的繁荣是在承袭前人创作基础上的结果 ,它远在《诗经》中就已萌芽 ,经历了汉魏
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