Get Ready for Some Wild Weather

来源 :科技英语学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zmaozhao
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我们所以选入此文,一个重要理由是,文章表达浅显生动,与本期的其他文章存在较强的互补性。 比如,关于“厄尔尼诺”名称的由来,与上文对照阅读,你就会发现其文章活泼得多: This innocent-sounding name originated in the 19th century,when Peruviansailors noticed that every few years around Christmastime,coastal waters warmed upand the current shifted southward.And the “little boy”throws quite a global tempertantrum. 本文公布了1982—83年那次本世纪最为严重的“厄尔尼诺”现象造成的损失:死亡2000人,财产损失130亿美元。(注,我国公布的数字为:死亡1500人,财产损失100亿美元)此外,文章还描绘了“厄尔尼诺”带来的可怕景象: In Australia day turned to night when-dust storm blahketed Melbourne;brushfires raged in its wake. “厄尔尼诺”作恶多端!可是,作者冷不丁地提出了一个新问题: Is there a good side tO El Nino? 读者不妨将此“转折”与Fires of Destruction and Creation一文的转折作一比较,其风格大相径庭矣! “厄尔尼诺”并非完全是一个“捣蛋鬼”,它也有“行善”的一面: the number Of tropical hurricanes in the Atlantic fire reduced during an El Ninoyear. El One important reason why we chose this article is that the article’s expression is light and vivid, and it has strong complementarity with other articles in this issue. For example, regarding the origin of the name “El Nino”, as you read above, you will find its articles much more lively: This innocent-sounding name originated in the 19th century, when Peruviansailors noticed that every few years around Christmastime, the coastal waters were warmed. Upand the current shifted southward.And the “little boy”throws quite a global tempertantrum. This article revealed the 1982-83 year’s worst damage caused by the “El Niño” phenomenon: 2,000 deaths, property loss of 13 billion. Dollars. (Note: The number released by China is: 1500 dead, property loss of 10 billion US dollars) In addition, the article also depicts the terrible scene brought about by “El Nino”: In Australia day turned to night when-dust storm blahketed Melbourne; brushfires raged in Its wake. “El Nino” is a mischievous! However, the author has put forward a new question: Is there a good side tO El Nino? The reader may wish to compare this “turn” with the transition of Fires of Destruction and Creation. The style is very different! “El Niño” is not complete. Is a “pickster” and it also has the “good” side: the number Of tropical hurricanes in the Atlantic fire amid during an El Ninoyear. El
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