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冶金部召开的全国连续铸钢现场经验交流会于1979年6月22日至28日在上海举行.全国科研,生产,设计及有关大专院校近60个单位共150多人参加了会议.这次会议正值五届人大二次会议召开之际,是一次贯彻“调整,改革,整顿,提高”方针的会议.冶金部钢铁司负责人在会上讲了话.到会代表以极大的兴趣参观了上钢一、三、五厂的连铸生产和设备状况,在全体会议上听取了他 Metallurgical Ministry convened a national continuous casting site experience exchange was held in Shanghai from June 22 to June 28, 1979. More than 150 people from nearly 60 units of national scientific research, production, design and related tertiary institutions attended the meeting. At the time when the second session of the Fifth National People’s Congress was held, the second session was a conference on carrying out the policy of “readjustment, reform, rectification and improvement.” The head of the Department of Steel and Metallurgy Ministry spoke at the meeting. Great interest visited the continuous casting production and equipment status of the No.1, No.3 and No.5 plants in Shanghai Steel and listened to him in the plenary meeting
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第二次全国初轧会议于1978年5月在鞍山召开。参加会议的有21个单位的60名代表。冶金部李 The second nationwide preliminary rollout meeting was held in Anshan in May
日本住友,麂岛制铁所于1974年10月投产了容积为5050米~3世界最大级高炉(同级的高炉还有苏联克里沃洛格厂的5026米~3高炉)。此高炉的基本规格如下: 型式:4柱铁骨式;炉顶压力:
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