
来源 :石油仪器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lty
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地化 -气测综合录井仪是将地化、气测两种成熟的技术有机地结合在一起的仪器 ,地化 ,气测数据在同一软件下运行 ,可达到技术互补的优势。克服了录井方法录取资料单一片面的缺陷 ,有利于提高油气层的发现率和解释成功率 ,为实现录井仪器和录井服务向综合型发展的战略创造了条件。文章主要介绍了仪器的构成、功能及计算机软件的特色 ,阐述了仪器的技术装备优势及应用前景 Geochemical - gas logging integrated logging instrument is a combination of geochemical and gas measurements of two mature technologies organically, geochemical, gas measurement data under the same software to achieve the technical advantages of complementarity. Overcomes the one-sided defect of logging data acquisition method, improves the discovery rate of oil and gas layers and explains the success rate, and creates the conditions for the comprehensive development of mud logging equipment and mud logging services. The article mainly introduced the composition of the instrument, the function and the characteristic of the computer software, elaborated the instrument’s technical equipment superiority and the application prospect
PU/P(UBMI-BMI) IPNs with excellent thermal stability and mechanical properties were synthesized and characterized. The interpenetrating occurs in the hard segme
The title complex was synthesized in an aqueous solution and its crystal structure was determined by Xray diffraction. The crystal crystallizes in a triclinic s
王先生 辽宁丹东 5年 5.5万公里  这辆2009款的1.8T手动智雅昊锐购于2011年6月,当时的购车目标很明确:涡轮增压、手动挡、中级轿车。在当时市场环境下选择的范围很小,只有大众迈腾和斯柯达昊锐,二者大同小异,最后只能感谢大众4S店“视自己为上帝”的服务态度将我推向了斯柯达的怀抱。  本人属于坚定的“动手党”,亲力亲为最靠谱,家里的车库让我改成了专业的清洗和维修工位,5年多来基本上所有的清
研究了用氟离子选择性电极测定铜基合金中微量铝的方法。本法操作简单 ,且干扰元素少。将此法应用于不同种类铜基合金中微量铝的测定 ,获得满意的结果。 A method for the d
The retention behaviors of benzene and its alkyl homologues in microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography were investigated in both anionic and cationic surfac