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目前,大学生自主创业是解决我国应届毕业生就业难的有效途径之一。虽然我国大学生自主创业的热情与日俱增,但大学生自主创业仍然存在人数比例低、成功率低和创业水平低等“三低状况”。究其主要原因是融资难。就我国目前大学生自主创业融资渠道来看,创业资金主要来源于父母、亲人和朋友的资助与借贷。受家庭经济条件等多方因素的限制,大学生自主创业投入资金低,很难形成有效的创业资金保障。自上世纪90年代小额信贷模式引入中国以来,小额贷款公司在我国如雨后春笋般飞速发展。同时,小额贷款公司的出现和发展也意味着我国民间资本在新中国成立以后首次进入到金融业领域,对我国特别是农村金融业的发展起到了非常大的作用。 At present, college students start their own businesses is one of the effective ways to solve the difficult employment of graduates in our country. Although the enthusiasm of independent college students in our country is increasing day by day, there are still some problems such as low proportion, low success rate and low entrepreneurial level. The main reason is the financing difficulties. As far as China’s current university students start their own business financing channels, venture capital comes mainly from the parents, relatives and friends of the funding and borrowing. Due to the constraints of family economic conditions and other factors, it is difficult for undergraduates to invest their own funds in starting their own businesses, so it is hard to form an effective venture capital guarantee. Since the introduction of the microfinance model into China in the 1990s, microfinance companies have mushroomed in our country. At the same time, the emergence and development of microfinance companies also mean that our private capital has entered the financial sector for the first time since the founding of New China, playing a very significant role in the development of China’s financial industry in particular.
一、几种常用的价格指数 用综合物价指数来测度通货膨胀,已是国际通行的做法.其中,有三个最重要的综合价格指数,即GDP平减指数、消费者价格指数和生产者价格指数,用来测度通
液膜分离技术是一种很有发展前途的分离手段。不过,目前还存在一些尚待解决的问题,影响着它的工业应用。稳定性问题就是其中的关键之一。 本文分两个部分分别研究了液膜稳定
本文以化学工程学原理和自动控制理论为指导,应用数学模型化方法,对气固非催化型氯化钙——甲醇化学热泵进行了系统的实验和理论研究。 整个研究工作历时近五年。依次开展了
对药物传输系统(Drug delivery system, DDS)的合理设计能够实现对药物的控释和缓释,从而提高药物的疗效、降低其毒副作用。固体脂质微颗粒(Solid Lipid Microparticles, SLM