有人说,记者的任务就是写正面报道,稳定人心,摧人奋进,这是对的。但不仅仅如此。写问题性新闻,拉善意的“警报器”,也是记者义不容辞的职责。 1989年夏天,我下乡采访时,发现在田间劳动的基本上都是“389961”(妇女、老人、儿童),抛荒田块达5%,半抛荒田块达7%,许多农业科学技术无法推广,不少地方连村组干部都配不齐,有点文化知识的青壮年都远走高飞务工、经商、搞第三产业去了。这一种倾向隐盖
Some people say that the task of reporters is to write a positive report, stabilize the people, and forge ahead in people’s lives. This is right. But not only that. Writing questionable news and pulling goodwill “sirens” are also incumbent reporters. In the summer of 1989, when I came to the countryside for an interview, I found that in the field labor was basically “389961” (women, the elderly, children), 5% for the abandoned fields and 7% for the semi-deserted fields. Many agricultural science and technology failed Promotion, in many places even the village cadres are mismatched, a little cultural knowledge of young adults are far go flying workers, business, engage in the tertiary industry to go. This tendency is hidden