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2014年2月26日在京津冀协同发展座谈会上,习近平总书记明确提出“张承地区要定位于京津冀水源涵养功能区、同步考虑解决京津周边贫困问题”。张承生态功能区建设应做为京津冀协同发展的重要内容。张承地区多为老少边穷地区,如何建设好生态功能区和解决好贫困问题,如何使生态补偿找到合理的有效途径,我们认为除生态共建共享外,重点应放在森林保护补助上。加强森林保护,一方面可以减少对森林的破坏,增强森林的生态功能,进而生产出更多的生态产品,利于京津冀生态共享;另一方面当地农民可以通过参与森林管护增加收入,解决贫困问题。一、张承地区森林植被的重要作用及京津水源涵养功能区公益林划定 On February 26, 2014, at the Symposium on Synergetic Development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Province, General Secretary Xi Jinping explicitly proposed that “Zhangcheng should be located in the water conservancy function area of ​​Beijing-Tianjin-Jiashi area and considered simultaneously to solve the poverty problem around Beijing and Tianjin.” The construction of ecological function zone in Zhang Cheng should be an important part of the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. In Zhang Cheng area, most of the areas are poor and poor, and how to build ecological function areas and solve poverty problems and how to find a reasonable and effective way for ecological compensation. In addition to ecological construction and sharing, we should focus on forest protection subsidies. Strengthening forest protection can not only reduce the destruction of forests and enhance the ecological functions of forests, but also produce more ecological products, which will benefit the ecological sharing of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. On the other hand, local farmers can increase their income by participating in forest management and protection Poverty. I. The Important Role of Forest Vegetation in Zhang Cheng Area and the Planning of Public Welfare Forests in Beijing-Tianjin Water Conservation Area
Five main modes of spatial transformation of the river patterns and various factors influencing the river systems are discussed in the paper. Representative riv
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