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Energy density for the central region in relativistic heavy ion collisionscan be estimated via the pseudora-pidity distribution of transverse energy. The way to
<正> 不平衡信号(又称不对称信号)是电路中相对于地线而存在的单端信号,所以用电缆将一个不平衡的音频信号从一个前置放大级送到另一个前置放大级可能会出现寄生干扰和辐射干
<正> 大家知道,为了对音频信号进行高保真放大,音频功放的输出信号应能跟得上音频输入信号的瞬时高速变化,即一台理想的音频功放应具有很高的转换速率(slew rate,简称SR)。然
We construct a Hartree-Fock (self-consistent)-like algorithm with renormalization group (RG) approach to calculate the anomalous dimension in a nonlinear diffus
The coupling vertex of the Pomeron to nucleon is derived from QCD. A γμ coupling vertex and coupling strength of β= 6.0 GeV-1, which has been used commonly as
We extend the linear quantum transformation theory to the case of quantum field operators. The corresponding general transformation expressions of CPT transform
<正> 目前国内市场上音响器材颇多,高档音响器材音质优美,做工精细气派,但价格都很高,一般发烧友的经济能力无法承受;而有的音响器材的效果不尽人意,外观也相对较差,价格却便
<正> 照料作物最一般的问题是浇水,多数市场上的浇灌系统采用滴灌或编程定时器定时浇水。若你想离一段时间,作物的浇水需求将会发生变化。因此它们都不适用。此外,这些系统还
We prove that the following three properties cannot match each other on a lattice, that differentials of coordinate functions are algebraically dependent on the
<正> 6070型传感器可产生两个电压,它们分别代表在四分之一象限内两个互相垂直的方向,见图1。方向可分解为一个正弦函数及一个余弦函数,即: Usl=Umax sina和Us2=Umaxcosa 如