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  A dragon dance performance is held during a carnival celebrating the 16th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland in Hong Kong on July 1.

The General Council of the World Trade Organization (WTO) approved the appointment of Brazilian diplomat Roberto Carvalho de Azevedo as its next director general in May, meaning that the most importan
While most of China’s provincial capi- tals offer little in the way for tourists, Fuzhou defies the norm and is quickly becoming a must visit destination along the country’s already crowded eastern se
The first thing Dong Yuejun does after ar- riving at the office is to check the latest currency exchanges rates.  “Exchange rate fluctuation of the yuan means uncertain costs. This is the most importa
Since a once-in-a-decade leadership transition in March placed President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang at the helm of China, the international community has been closely observing the country’s fo
A majority of EU member states led by Germany opposed the European Commission’s proposal to impose punitive duties on imported Chinese solar panels in a survey on May 27, the last day of Chinese Premi
The food safety watchdog of Guangzhou, capital of south China’s Guangdong Province, said it would expand inspections on May 19 after detecting cadmium in eight samples of rice products.  The move aims
The issue of taxation seems to be a dry, technical subject. But it is one that people can get extremely emotional about, as some major corporations in Europe and North America have discovered recently
Since their election at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) last November, the new leaders of the CPC have engaged in projects to raise public satisfaction by fighting cor
China Newsweek June 17  On May 31, eight urban management workers in Yan’an, northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, had a scuffle with a bicycle shop owner and his employees while they were on duty.  An
In June, it seemed that the Chinese capital market had suddenly spun out of control. The overnight Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate (SHIBOR) shot up from 4 percent to over 30 percent, which caused a pa