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2005年底,北京市注销的5万余个驾驶证中,近三分之一是因为司机没及时提交身体条件证明;河北省清河县20人,山东省烟台市2600人也因此被注销驾驶证;截止2006年元月中旬,黑龙江省被注销的驾驶证已经过万。海南省海口市有710名司机将到提交身体条件证明期限,如果4月30日前不提交, 这些司机将被注销驾驶证…… By the end of 2005, nearly one-third of the more than 50,000 driver’s licenses canceled in Beijing were due to drivers failing to submit physical conditions in time; 20 people in Qinghe County of Hebei Province and 2,600 people in Yantai City of Shandong Province were also canceled their driver’s licenses; As of mid-January 2006, Heilongjiang Province has been canceled driver’s license has been million. 710 drivers in Haikou City, Hainan Province, will submit a deadline to submit their physical conditions, and if they do not submit before April 30, these drivers will be deregistered the driver’s license ......
2008年12月11日,LSI公司宣布推出新版MegaRAID 3.5,其可显著提高MegaRAID SAS 8700与8800系列3Gb/s SAS/ SATA适配器的性能、可靠性与可用性。MegaRAID 3.5包括多路径和负载
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11月汇总水泥企业257家,生产水泥4796.73万吨,与上年同期比增长6.05%,累计产量47186.23万吨,与去年同期比增长11.02%;本月销售水泥4961.52万吨,与上年同期比 In November, 2
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日产汽车公司EV科技研发部工程总监宫本丈司对《汽车商业评论》说,在Leaf电动汽车导入中国市场的同时,也会同时考虑导入混合动力汽车 Nissan Motor EV Engineering Research