自 1 993年以来 ,我国沿海滩涂池塘养殖的东方对虾 (Penaeusorientalis)发生了暴发性流行性疾病 ,造成大面积大幅度减产或绝产 ,经济损失惨重 ,俗称为“绝产病”。位于渤海之滨 ,凌海市的辽宁省农垦局养虾基地也不例外 ,养殖的东方对虾病害严重 ,症状为不摄食
Since 1993, an outbreak of pandemic disease has occurred in Penaeus orientalis farmed in coastal ponds in the coastal areas in China, resulting in a substantial reduction in production or absolute loss over large areas. The economic loss is so heavy that it is commonly known as “abortion-causing disease.” Located in the Bohai Sea, Linghai Liaoning Provincial Bureau of Land Reclamation shrimp base is no exception, the breeding of Oriental shrimp disease is serious, the symptoms are not food