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今年上半年,大冶市工交战线在市委、市政府的正确领导下,全面贯彻、落实中央、省、市经济工作会议精神,始终坚持以提高经济运行质量和效益为中心,围绕改革转机制,围绕管理增效益,围绕后劲抓技改,围绕稳定促解困。经过精心组织调度,步调一致,整体联动,较好地完成了上半年的主要经济目标任务。 截止6月底,市属工交战线企业完成工业总产值37465万元,同比增长25.4%;完成销售收入33255万元,同比增长33.8%;实现利润1377万元,是上年同期的5.31倍;上交税金3398万元,同比增长53.8%。 从上述指标完成情况看,上半年的工交工作突出了以提高经济运行质量和效果为中心的主题。其一,实现利润和上交税金两大效益指标大幅上升,所有者权益显著增加,表明企业经济运行质量在提高,经济实力在增强;其二,销售收入上升,成品资金占用大体持平,而应收帐款下降,财务费 In the first half of this year, under the correct leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the Daye City Workers’ Combat Front fully implemented and implemented the spirit of the central, provincial, and municipal economic work conferences, and always persisted in improving the quality and efficiency of economic operations and centered around reforms. Focus on management to increase efficiency, focus on stamina to grasp technological reforms, and promote stability through solutions. After meticulous organization and scheduling, the concerted efforts were made in an integrated manner and completed the main economic objectives of the first half of the year. As of the end of June, the city’s industrial and military front companies completed industrial output value of 374.65 million yuan, an increase of 25.4% year-on-year; completed sales revenue of 332.55 million yuan, an increase of 33.8%; profit of 13.77 million yuan, 5.31 times the previous year; Taxes amounted to 33.98 million yuan, an increase of 53.8% year-on-year. Judging from the completion of the above indicators, the work in the first half of the year highlights the theme of improving the quality and effectiveness of economic operations. First, the two major profit indicators for profit and taxation have risen sharply. The owners’ equity has increased significantly. This indicates that the company’s economic operation quality is improving and its economic strength is increasing. Second, sales revenues have increased, and finished product funds have remained roughly flat. Decrease in collections, financial fees
湖北高艺装饰工程有限公司是一家成立不足 9年的民营企业,近几年来,该公司凭借人才优势,很快抢占了装饰市场的大量份额,成为湖北装饰行业中的知名企业。 2000年的上半年,湖北高艺
风风雨雨30年,开拓创新写辉煌 地处北碚区水土镇的重庆富皇水泥有限公司,自1970年开始制造水泥以来,凭借雄厚的技术力量,精湛的工艺设备,完善的质量保证体系和检测手段,丰富的水泥制造实
目前嘉陵集团形成了由总部技术服务中心、区域服务中心、各级服务站及乡镇服务占构建的四级服务体系, 4000多家服务单位遍布全国并实现了各大区域有服务代表,各服务单位有服务
①千里马雄姿②主体思想塔③宏伟的凯旋门④万寿台议事堂小龙本刊记者美丽的平壤掠影──纪念中国人民志原军抗美援朝出国作战五十周年@小龙 One thousand lima majestic 2
20 0 0年 7月 2 8日 ,威海文良陶瓷有限公司与河北省荣华实业集团公司租赁合作签字仪式 ,在山东文登昆嵛大厦举行 ,成立了威海文良陶瓷有限公司承德分公司。文良公司经过近几