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《洋妞在北京》是一部以住在京城四合院里的人们的生活为内容的电视连续剧,该剧主要讲述了几位外国留学生与某个四合院内的新、老两代北京人之间发生的事。世界妇女大会期间,该剧曾在北京电视台和上海电视台播放,一时好评如潮。就在对《洋》剧享有版权的北京嘉华广告公司受到北京、上海播映后反响颇佳的鼓舞,而欲在全国铺开推销该剧并正与几家电视台洽商时,却发现在山东、河南、湖北、湖南等地的一些电视台出现了盗播《洋》剧的事情。随着各类地方电视台越建越多,盗播现象也越来越严重,这不仅侵害了投资者、发行者等本来可以获利的各单位的利益,而且影响了我国电视事业的正常发展。以往许多被侵权的单位虽苦不堪言,但因为与电视台有着互相依存的关系,所以往往采取息事宁人的态度面对这类盗播的事情,而被侵权力的容忍无疑又在客观上助长了盗播现象的蔓延。在这样的大环境下,北京嘉华广告公司决定向盗播现象宣战,运用法律武器维护自己的合法权益。去年3月25日,《洋》剧出品人刘彤、制片人吕立、男主演刘涛一行三 “Babes in Beijing” is a TV series featuring the lives of people living in the Beijing Siheyuan. The play mainly deals with the relationship between several foreign students and a new generation of Peking Man and a generation of Peking Man Thing. During the World Women’s Conference, the drama was broadcast on Beijing Television Station and Shanghai Television Station, and was well received at the moment. Just after Beijing Jiahua Advertising Co., Ltd., which enjoys copyright in the “Western” series of films, was encouraged by the broadcasts in Beijing and Shanghai and wanted to roll out the show across the country and is negotiating with several television stations, it found that in Beijing, Some television stations in Henan, Hubei, Hunan and other places appeared to have pirated the “Western” drama. As more and more local television stations are built and piracy is more and more serious, this not only infringes upon the interests of all the profitable units such as investors and distributors, but also affects the normal development of China’s television industry. In the past, many infringed units were miserable. However, because of their interdependent relationship with television stations, they often faced the problem of piracy by adopting a rather quiet attitude. The tolerance of the infringed power undoubtedly contributed to the objective The spread of broadcast phenomenon. In such a big environment, Beijing Jiahua Advertising Co., Ltd. decided to declare war on piracy and use legal weapons to defend its legitimate rights and interests. March 25 last year, “foreign” dramatist Liu Tong, producer Lv Li, actor Liu Tao, a line of three
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