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随着计算机技术的产生及其发展,人们的生存和生活方式发生了改变,与此同时,政治、经济、文化和科学技术的发展与进步也受到了计算机技术的巨大而深刻的影响,对于计算机技术的教育一直都是随技术的发展而发展的,很多的高职院校都成立了计算机及网络技术这个专业,以培养能够满足社会需求的专业的网络技术人才。一直以来,高职院校在计算机网络领域的教育重点都是计算机网络技术的专业建设,本文分析了当前计算机网络专业的教育现状,提出了高职院校建设计算机网络专业的核心思想,探讨了计算机网络专业建设的各个方面。 With the emergence and development of computer technology, people’s life and lifestyle have changed. At the same time, the development and progress of politics, economy, culture and science and technology have also been greatly and profoundly affected by the computer technology. For computers Technology education has always been with the development of technology and development, many of the higher vocational colleges have set up a computer and network technology in this professional, to meet the needs of society to develop a professional network of technical personnel. All along, the education of higher vocational colleges in the field of computer networks are all focused on the professional construction of computer network technology. This paper analyzes the present situation of computer network specialty education and puts forward the core idea of ​​building computer network specialty in higher vocational colleges. All aspects of computer network professional construction.
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