Patterns of peritoneal spread of tumor in the abdomen and pelvis

来源 :World Journal of Radiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanghui1860
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The spread of tumor in the peritoneum can be understood, although it is a complex organ. A study of its embryology, anatomy and function is of clear benefit. It is formed from a network of folds, reflections, and potential spaces produced by the visceral and parietal peritoneum. These folds and reflections begin as a dorsal and ventral mesentery, supporting the primitive gut in early embryologic development. The dorsal mesentery connects the stomach and other organs to the posterior abdominal wall, while the ventral mesentery connects the stomach to the ventral abdominal wall. As the embryo develops, there is further organ growth, elongation, cavitation and rotation. The dorsal and ventral mesentery also develops along with the viscera, forming ligaments, mesenteries, omenta and potential spaces from the resulting reflections and folds. These ligaments, mesenteries, and omenta, support and nurture the organs of the peritoneum, providing a highway for arteries, veins, nerves and lymphatics. The potential spaces created from these folds and reflections of the visceral and parietal peritoneum are also important to realize. For example, the transverse mesocolon divides the peritoneal cavity into a supramesocolic and inframesocolic space in the abdomen and paravesicular spaces within the pelvis. The falciform ligament is well known in the supramesocolic space, dividing it further into a left and right compartment. Knowledge of the peritoneal vascular anatomy is beneficial in locating the spaces and ligaments about the peritoneum. For example, identifying the left gastric artery or vein will lead to the gastrohepatic ligament, which is part of the supramesocolic space. Besides serving a life sustaining role, the multiple compartments, ligaments, mesenteries and omenta within the peritoneum can also facilitate the spread of disease. Tumors can spread directly from one organ to another, seed metastatic deposits in the peritoneal cavity, and travel through the lymphatic or hematogenous route to invade other organs in the peritoneum. The spread of tumor in the peritoneum can be understood, although it is a complex organ. A study of its embryology, anatomy and function is clear benefit. It is formed from a network of folds, reflections, and potential spaces produced by the visceral and the parietal peritoneum. These folds and reflections begin as a dorsal and ventral mesentery, supporting the primitive gut in early embryologic development. The dorsal mesentery connects the stomach and other organs to the posterior abdominal wall, while the ventral mesentery connects the stomach to the ventral As the embryo develops, there is further organ growth, elongation, cavitation and rotation. The dorsal and ventral mesentery also develops along with the viscera, forming ligaments, mesenteries, omenta and potential spaces from the resulting reflections and folds. These ligaments , mesenteries, and omenta, support and nurture the organs of the peritoneum, providing a highway for arteries, veins, nerves and lymphat ics. The potential spaces created from these folds and reflections of the visceral and parietal peritoneum are also important to realize. For example, the transverse mesocolon divides the peritoneal cavity into a supramesocolic and inframesocolic space in the abdomen and paravesicular spaces within the pelvis. The for example, identifying the left gastric artery or vein will lead to the gastrohepatic ligament, which is part of the supramesocolic space. 其他 serving a life sustaining role, the multiple compartments, ligaments, mesenteries and omenta within the peritoneum can also facilitate the spread of disease. Tumors can spread directly from one organ to another, seed metastatic deposits in the peritoneal cavity, and travel through the lymphatic or hhematogenous route to invade other organs in the peritoneum.
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