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1 1947年冬季,根据中共中央的部署,在东北局领导下,东北解放区各地开始结合土地改革和生产运动,在地方进行了整党建党运动,在部队开展了整党整军运动。 这次整党运动,主要是解决党的地方组织特别是农村基层组织中存在的成分不纯和作风不纯的问题及部分干部党员中存在的官僚主义问题。东北局鉴于东北解放区各根据地党的基层组织尚未普遍建立的情况,提出这次整党应以关内来的老干部和原抗联的干部为重点。1947年12月31日,东北局在《关于一九四八年任务的决定》中进一步明确指出:“整顿党内思想及工作作风,由上而下与自下而上地开展关于思想、工作、生活作风的检讨会议,把全党的思想提高到新形势与新政策的认识水平,反对地主富农及城市资产阶级的思想侵蚀,反对官僚主义、军阀主义的工作作风。”关于党内审查干部成分的问题,《决定》明确指出,先是为了弄清思想,不要变成清洗运动,要坚持党内与党外斗争的严格区别,同时要注意防止产生排斥知识分子的倾向。 In the winter of 1947, according to the deployment of the CPC Central Committee, under the leadership of the Northeast Bureau, the Northeast Liberated Areas began to carry out the party-building movement in the areas in line with the land reform and production movement and organized the entire army movement in the army. This party-wide movement mainly solves the problems of impure composition and impure style existing in the local organizations of the party, especially the rural grass-roots organizations, and the bureaucratic problems existing among some cadres and party members. In view of the fact that the basic grassroots organizations of the base areas in the Northeast Liberated Areas have not yet been generally established, the Northeast Bureau has proposed that this party consolidation should focus on veteran cadres and former cadres of the anti-UN war. On December 31, 1947, Northeast Bureau further pointed out clearly in the Decision on the Task for 1948: “To rectify the thinking and work style of the party, from top to bottom and bottom-up, we should carry out the work on thinking and work , The style of life review meeting, raise the party’s thinking to the new situation and understanding of new policies, oppose the ideological erosion of landlords and rich peasants and urban bourgeoisie, and oppose bureaucratism and warlordism. Composition, ”the Decision" made it clear that first, in order to clarify our thinking, we must not become a cleaning movement. We should strictly adhere to the strict distinction between inner-party and non-party struggles, and at the same time pay attention to preventing a propensity to exclude intellectuals.
据专业人士分析,加入WTO之后,我国从参与国际市场竞争的角度,应重新考虑农机化的发展方向。 一是农机化的发展项目,应根据比较优势的原则,重新进行调整。现在国际市场的玉米
人刚出生就会选择,婴儿的主要选择是哭与笑,饿了、不舒服了、不让谁抱就选择哭,稍大点儿玩什么玩具、看什么动画片、与哪个小朋友玩都有选择。  上学后参加各种考试时,谁都会遇到许多选择题。有时并不知道正确的答案,选择了A,又怕是B;选择了C,又觉得D对。  填报高考志愿时,选择学校又成了一大难题:选择这所大学,又觉得那所大学好;选择那所大学,又觉得某某大学更好;选择心中向往的名校,又怕自己的分万一不够落