Knowledge, attitude, and practice towards coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) among medical students

来源 :急性病杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjyeling
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Objective: To assess knowledge, attitude, and practice of medical students towards coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).Methods: A self-designed questionnaire was developed and given to the students of a govment medical college in Uttarakhand. The demographics, mean knowledge, attitude, and practice of the participants were investigated, and the scores were calculated. t-test and ANOVA were used for statistical analysis. Results: Out of the total participants (n=354), 50.3% were male and 54.5% were 21-23 years. Almost all the participants (96.6%) increase the frequency of washing hands under the influence of COVID-19. Although no significant relationship was found between different religions, age-categories in terms of knowledge, the participants who were aged 21-23 years had higher knowledge. In addition, gender had a significant impact on practice scores (P<0.05) while no demographic variable was found to have a significant relation with attitude score (P>0.05). Conclusions: The majority of the participants had good knowledge, positive attitude, and sufficient practice. Females and males have significantly different practices. Although the results are very positive, it is suggested that people should continue to strengthen knowledge, attitude, and practice towards COVID-19, so that India can win the battle against the disease.
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在我们这个由无数跳动物质“联合表演”的世界里,谁是最具能量的杰出“舞蹈家”?毫无疑问,是电磁波!人类就是在“解读”电磁波的过程中将人类文明不断地向上提升的!现在让我们来一起欣赏电磁波的——  是什么让我们看到了闪烁的群星、翠绿的森林、鲜艳的花朵?是电磁波。是什么让我们在地球的赤道上听到了远在南极进行科学考察的科学家的笑声,看到了他们的笑脸?也是电磁波。电磁波包围在我们四周,荡漾在世界的任何地方,充