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如果说,1993年中国经济体制改革进入了关键时刻,那么这一年商潮冲击下的都市家庭出现的种种新景观,从结婚组建家庭到离异再次给人们一种启示,家庭是社会的细胞,家庭结构和夫妻的情感,都无疑会深深印上那个时代的记印。 公证走入家庭 据北京市公证处统计,到目前,办理家庭财产公证的大款占50%,一般家庭占50%。财产公证,不是大款的专利。 婚前财产公证最引人瞩目。 现代生活节奏的高频 If China’s economic structural reform entered a crucial moment in 1993, all the new landscapes emerging from urban families under the impact of business tide year will once again give people an enlightenment from forming a family to divorce. The family is the cell of society, Family structure and the emotion of husband and wife, will undoubtedly be deeply imprinted with the imprint of that era. Notary into the family According to the Beijing Municipal Notary Office statistics, up to now, handling wealthy notarized household assets accounted for 50%, 50% of the average family. Notarized property, not a big money patents. Notarized the most notary property before marriage. The high frequency of the rhythm of modern life
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“名不正,则言不顺”,术语尤然。10余年来,刊报上出现了一个新词“老龄”,并派生出“老龄问题”。这是否有必要,笔者愿提出刍议,供讨论。 “Name is not correct, then uns