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就目前我国互联网的发展态势以及具体应用来看,ADSL因具有下行速率高、频带宽、性能优等特点成为继Modem、ISDN之后的一种全新更快捷、更高效的接入方式,可以在校园网的建设中得到广泛实用。同时,由于在校园网建设过程中,设备相对简陋,资金人力投入不足而暴露出的安全问题也不容小觑,为了解决这些安全问题,各种安全机制、策略和工具需要综合利用。 At present, the development trend of the Internet in our country and the specific application of view, ADSL has become a new faster, more efficient access mode after Modem, ISDN because of the downlink rate is high, the bandwidth is good, the superior performance characteristic, can be in the campus network The construction is widely used. At the same time, due to the relatively simple equipment in the process of building a campus network, the security problems exposed by the lack of funds and manpower can not be underestimated. In order to solve these security problems, various security mechanisms, strategies and tools need to be comprehensively utilized.
AIM: To evaluate, whether humoral hepatitis-B-vaccine non-responders also fail to mount a T cell response and to compare these results to normal vaccinees. METH
Dear readers,We would first like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy, prosperous, and productive New Year! We are honored and Dear readers, W
【编者按】  冬去春来,惊蛰、春分之后便是清明,又到了扫墓祭祖的时节。对于未成年的孩子来说,扫墓祭祖无非是亲友聚会、郊游踏青,至于所祭拜之人跟自己有什么关系,怕是没几个人在乎。通常,父母也不逼迫孩子,因为祭祀有封建迷信之嫌,孩子是现代人,肯跟着大家一起鞠躬行礼就不错了。真的如此吗?在西风东渐的当下,孩子究竟要不要有家族意识?家族意识真的只有糟粕没有精华吗?日前,本刊记者采访了中小学生和各个年龄段的
早在去年3G就已经正式走入中国大众生活,与传统的网络相比,3G无线网络具有移动性强、连接速度快以及无线信号覆盖范围广等特点,不再被网线所限制,实现任意地点无线上网。这种更自由的方式注定了3G未来的发展方向。    3G无线路由器有何优点?    由于运营商终端的限制,一个用户只能通过一台3G无线上网卡连入互联网,而共享互联是现在倡导的口号,个人独享这3G网络难免心疼,各厂商纷纷推出3G无线路由器解
The present study reported a 42-year-old male patient who underwent conservative management for a spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage in the left corona radiat
对无线局域网存在的安全问题进行了分析,并提出了一些安全策略来提高无线局域网的安全性。 Analyzed the security problems existing in wireless LAN and proposed some s
In studies of synaptic plasticity,synaptic density, curvature, length,and functional parameters of synaptic elements play animportant role in the maintenanceof