Beijing University Founder, Weifang Huaguang, and Great Wall Pen God are the crystallization of the well-known “748 Project” and have made tremendous contributions to the modernization of China’s printing industry. It can be said that China’s computer industry has achieved the largest number of applications so far. achievement. However, they all belong to proprietary systems, lack of sufficient competition, and maintain high monopoly profits. Not only do many users feel exorbitant prices, they cannot enjoy the printing revolution brought about by electronic publishing, and they lack technological innovation. The motivation cannot keep pace with the development of the international computer industry. The publication of the scholar’s universal output system will completely change this situation. The scholar system is compatible with Founder, Huaguang, and Pen God. The documents that can be typeset by these systems can be published by scholars, and support book editions, newspaper editions, and Wess. There are nearly a hundred fonts, in addition to the usual three-dimensional, hollow textured, Tilt, rotation, hook edge, random lace, irregular shading, chess, music score