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沃尔玛是世界上最大的零售公司,他的总裁萨姆·沃尔顿,1982年被诊断患有毛状细胞白血病,那时沃尔玛公司有十几亿美元的营业额;1989年沃尔顿被诊断患有恶性骨髓癌,在1990年他对沃尔玛下一个10年做出规划,到2000年,公司的销售额将达到1290亿美元,从而成为世界上最有实力的零售商,他的目标实现了。可他在1992年时离开了人世。沃尔顿常说,金钱,在超过了一定的界限之后,就不那么重要了。重要的是企业的规模。 Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, and his president, Sam Walton, were diagnosed with hairy cell leukemia in 1982 when Wal-Mart had billions of dollars in turnover; Walton was diagnosed in 1989 With malignant myeloma, he planned Wal-Mart’s next decade in 1990 and by the year 2000 the company will have sales of $ 129 billion, making it the world’s most powerful retailer and his goal has been achieved . But he died in 1992. Walton often said that money, after exceeding a certain limit, is less important. What matters is the size of the business.
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一些作者推测,石棉纤维中的微量金属在石棉致癌作用中,起着重要的作用。Dixon等认为石棉中某些微量金属可以抑制对苯并芘的解毒能力,从而间接地促进 Some authors speculat
一、放置节育环的适应症:凡已婚妇女,自愿放置而无禁忌症者,均应给予放置。二、禁忌症:1.生殖器官炎症,如急、慢性盆腔炎、阴道炎和重度子宫颈糜烂。2.频发月经,月经过多 F
伴随急性传染病的减少和轻症化,因预防接种而发生的副反应已引起人们的注意。预防接种副反应的发生机理由预防 With the reduction of acute infectious diseases and mild
To the Editor:rnWorldwide, approximately 400 million patients have chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection [1] . Because of the high incidence of HBV in China