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近日,省人大法制委副主任委员、常委会法工委主任孙首峰带领省人大常委会调研组一行来到通化市,对设区的市行使地方立法权准备情况进行调研。通化市人大常委会副主任田锡军就开展地方立法工作的认识、立法需求和立法能力情况以及需要帮助解决的问题和建议向调研组进行了汇报。市人大常委会秘书长刘洋,市人大常委会各委(室)主任,市政府法制办、市城建局、市 Recently, the Provincial People’s Congress Legal Committee, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Legislative Affairs Commission Sun Shoufeng led the Provincial People’s Congress research group and his entourage came to Tonghua City, the city set up the district to exercise the legislative power to prepare the situation for research. Tian Xijun, deputy director of the Standing Committee of Tonghua Municipal People’s Congress, reported to the research team on their understanding of the legislative work in the local area, legislative requirements and legislative capacity, as well as the problems and suggestions that needed to be solved. Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee Secretary-General Liu Yang, Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee (room) Director, City Hall Legislative Affairs Office, Urban Construction Bureau, City
“2007 年,国内生产总值达到 24.66 万亿元,比 2002 年增长 65.5%,年均增长 10.6%,从世界第六位上升到第四位;全国财政收入达到 5.13 万亿元,增长 1.71 倍;外汇储备超过 1.52
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