七彩童话圣诞 亲子共狂欢

来源 :父母必读 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouweijmu
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2004年12月19日下午,由父母必读杂志社、新浪亲子中心和北京红黄蓝儿童潜能教育娱乐有限公司等单位联合主办的2004年“亲子同乐”童话圣诞狂欢晚会,在新城国际开场时尚文化艺术中心举行。来自《父母必读》杂志的北京读者和新浪育儿北京论坛的网友共180多个家庭欢聚一堂,共同享受童话圣诞带来的无限欢愉。下午2点左右,孩子们一入场就发现,主办单位已经为他们准备了一个完美的童话王国。依据白雪公主和7个小矮人的童话故事及七色花的愿望,结合多元智能理论,红黄蓝幼儿园的老师为到场的宝宝 On the afternoon of December 19, 2004, the 2004 “Family Fun” fairy tale Christmas Gala was jointly hosted by Parents Reading Magazine, Sina Parenting Center and Beijing Red Yellow Blue Children’s Potential Educational Entertainment Co., International Opening Fashion Culture and Arts Center. A total of more than 180 families from Beijing Parents Reading magazine readers and netizens from Sina Parenting Beijing Forum gathered together to enjoy the joyous fairy tale Christmas. About 2 pm, the children found admission, the organizers have prepared for them a perfect fairy tale kingdom. According to Snow White and the seven dwarfs fairy tale and the wishes of the seven-color flowers, combined with multiple intelligence theory, red yellow blue kindergarten teacher for the presence of baby
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教师如何利用网络学习,每个人的经验可能不尽相同。我认为,利用论坛进行网络学习需要走好以下重要的“四步”。 How teachers use online learning can vary from person to
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去医院,对于父母和宝宝来说,都是一个很让人劳神的事情。放松心态,帮助 宝宝和医生和平相处。 To the hospital, for parents and babies, is a very rewarding thing. Rela
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