
来源 :江西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hnaylz
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最近半个多月来,全省雨量很少,部分地区特别是赣南、吉安、抚州等专区已普遍发生旱象。其他专区也都有部分田亩程度不同地发生旱象,有的地方已经是水源断绝,塘圳干涸,情况严重。特别是中稻目前正在扬花抽穗,棉花以及其他各种作物,也都需要保证足够的水量。但从我省每年的平均降雨量来看,一般情况下全省每年平均雨量是一千六百至一千八百公厘,到目前为止,降雨量已达一千三百公厘左右,估计今后全省雨量较小,旱灾的威胁严重存在。如不立即动员广大工作人员和群众,加紧防旱、抗旱,立即做好蓄水、保水和管理用水工作,旱情必然会继续扩大,以致造成农业生产上的重大损失,影响我省今年农业增产任务的顺利完成。为此,本会特作如下紧急指示: In the past half-and-a-half months, the rainfall in the whole province has been very low. In some areas, especially in areas such as Gannan, Ji’an and Fuzhou, drought-prone areas have generally occurred. Other prefectures also have some fields with different degrees of dry land. In some places, they have been severed by water and dried up in Tang-tang. The situation is serious. In particular, at a time when heading rice, cotton and various other crops are being cultivated, there is also a need to ensure adequate water supply. However, according to the average annual rainfall in our province, the annual average rainfall in the province is generally 1,600 to 1,800 mm. So far, the rainfall has reached 1,300 mm. Estimates In the future, the rainfall in the whole province will be small and the threat of drought will be serious. If we do not immediately mobilize the broad masses of staff and the masses to step up drought and drought and immediately make efforts to conserve water, conserve water and manage water use, the drought will inevitably continue to expand, causing heavy losses in agricultural production and affecting the province’s agricultural production increase this year The successful completion. To this end, this Council made the following special emergency instructions:
【摘要】本文以“孩子质量数量替代理论”为理论依据,利用中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)2010年的数据,运用转换矩阵法实证研究了我国居民家庭子女数量对代际收入流动的影响,结论是家庭子女数量的增加会提高居民代际收入的流动性。由此看来,社会上“二代”现象的出现和“小皇帝”、“小公主”现象有一定的因果关系。  【关键词】代际收入流动 转换矩阵 家庭子女数量  一、前言  如今,社会上出现了越来越多的“富二代