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资料是新闻采编的重要助手。记者在采写之前,资料积累得越全面、越充裕,采访便也越主动,写作也会越快捷,往往更能写出角度新、立意深、耳目一新的好作品来。众所同知,期刊与报纸的出版周期是不同的,在新闻的采写方面也必然有所不同。报纸新闻大多是即时新闻,它特别要求快。期刊则不同,以我们教育期刊为例,由于人手少,很少设有专职记者往往编采合—,可以说所有的记者稿件,都是编辑部根据教育工作的实际需要共同策划、重拳出击的深度报道它更需要“挖掘”。而‘挖掘一就更需要借助新闻资料。资料积累与宏观把握资料积累对于提高对新闻报道的宏观把握能力十分重要。资料积累得越丰富背景材料掌握得越多,就越能做到心中有数,从全局上把握报道题材。比如我们 Information is an important assistant for news gathering and editing. Before the reporters wrote and wrote, the more comprehensive and abundant the information accumulated, the more active the interview was. The faster the writing would be, the better the works with new perspectives, conceptions and refreshes. As we all know, the publication period of periodicals and newspapers is different, and it is bound to be different in the news writing. Newspaper news is mostly instant news, and it specifically calls for quickening. The periodicals are different. Take our educational periodicals as an example. Due to the small number of staff, seldom have full-time reporters who often compile - it can be said that all journalists’ manuscripts are compiled jointly by the editorial department according to the actual needs of educational work. Depth Report It More Needs “Digging ”. And digging more need to rely on news materials. Data Accumulation and Macroscopic Grasping of Data Accumulation is very important for improving the macro-control ability of news reports. The more accumulated data, the more background material mastered, the more you can be aware of, from the overall grasp of the subject matter. For example, we
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“作家是人类灵魂的工程师”。这可以说是一句至理名言,它的重要意义是越来越被人们所认同了。 自然,作为人类灵魂工程师的不仅是作家。邓小平同志曾指出:“思想战线上的战
《读书》一九九四年第十一期刊登的王跃生先生《俄罗斯需要多少艺术家?》一文,用供求理论阐释了俄罗斯(以及中国)文化艺术界正面临的困境,认为出现这种困境的基本原因在于“科学、文化、艺术的供给超过了此时社会对它的需求”。文章颇有新意,不过,若用胡适先生“大胆假设、小心求证”的治学规范来衡量,王文似乎尚可商榷。  首先,供给是否超过了需求,这是需用统计数字来说明的。王文并未指出社会需要多少艺术家,也未说明
患者女,因“慢性粒细胞白血病病史4年,盗汗,食欲差2个月”入湖北省荆门市第二人民医院血液科。门诊查白细胞123.4 g/L,细胞分类幼稚细胞为0.66.查体:贫血面容,巨脾。骨髓细
笔者以自己多年的检定工作及近几年的执法实践,提出几点看法,希望能对依法管理的计量器具的检定周期有个比较统一的认识,从而真正依法管理好这类工作计量器具。 The author, wi
目的观察非血缘异基因外周血干细胞移植治疗高危型急性淋巴细胞白血病的疗效。方法 2例分别诊断为ALL-L1[46XY/t(9;22)及 ALL-L2]46XX/t(9;22)的患者采用 BU/CY2方案预处理