
来源 :电波科学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:momoko120
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本文通过对93年两个代表月在黄土高原的系留探测数据的分析,说明了黄土高原的近地小尺度大气结构是近地大气湍流活动形成的,其出现概率、尺度和沿高度的分布因季节和时间的不同而不同。结果表明,这里的小尺度大气结构6月份明显多于10月份,且6月份中上午的小尺度大气结构多于下午的,10月份的情况相反;它们主要集中在近地的200m之内,其垂直尺度多为5~15m。这些结果可以作为和黄土高原类似地区的代表性数据。本文也描述了试验中观察的400MHz电波的基本传播现象,并对6月份观察到的一个特例作了详细的介绍和讨论,说明了这里的近地小尺度大气结构对电波传播有很大的影响,在最劣月份(6月份)可影响及传播电路的正常工作。 Based on the analysis of mooring exploration data of the two representative plots in the Loess Plateau in 1993, this paper shows that the near-surface and small-scale atmospheric structure in the Loess Plateau is formed by the turbulent activities in the near-surface atmosphere, and their occurrence probability, scale and distribution along the height Due to the different seasons and times. The results show that the small-scale atmospheric structure here is obviously more in June than in October and the small-scale atmospheric structure in the middle of June is more than that in the afternoon, but the situation in October is opposite; they are mainly concentrated within 200m near the ground, The vertical scale is mostly 5 ~ 15m. These results can be used as representative data for similar areas in the Loess Plateau. This paper also describes the basic propagation of the 400 MHz radio waves observed in the experiment and provides a detailed introduction and discussion of a special case observed in June, which shows that the near-surface and small-scale atmospheric structure here has a great influence on radio wave propagation , Which will affect and disseminate the normal operation of the circuit during the worst months (June).
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