中国蛟龙 向深海进发 上海科普大讲坛第24讲(下)

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海洋既是重要的战略空间,又蕴含了丰富的未知资源,探测开发深海资源,已经成为抢占国际科技制高点的重要途径之一。“蛟龙”载人深潜器是我国首台自主设计、自主继承研制的作业型深海载人深潜器,也是目前世界上下潜能力最深的作业型载人深潜器。2012年6月27日,中国载人深潜器“蛟龙”号7000米级海试最大下潜深度达7062米,标志着我国深海载人技术达到了国际领先水平,使我国具备了全球99.8%以上的海洋深处开展科学研究、资源勘探的能力。 The ocean is not only an important strategic space, but also contains a wealth of unknown resources. Exploration and exploitation of deep-sea resources have become one of the important ways to seize the commanding height of international science and technology. “Dragon” manned deep submersibles is China’s first independently designed, self-developed work-type deep sea manned submersibles, but also the world’s most capable dive manned submersible. On June 27, 2012, the maximum dive depth of China’s manned submersible “dragon” at 7,000 meters reached 7062 meters, marking that China’s deep sea manned technology has reached the international advanced level, giving China a global More than 99.8% of the depths of the ocean to carry out scientific research, resource exploration capabilities.
This study proposes a new approach in which an impermeable plate is placed under the pipeline to prevent the local scour around the pipeline.In order to underst
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。喷嚏漫画@李文杰请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support onli
To study the seismic responses produced by gas hydrate bubble plumes in the cold seepage active region, we constructed a plume water body model based on random
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