
来源 :西安政治学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seeya
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“生命线”是对思想政治工作地位和作用的科学定位和形象表述 ,需要进一步准确理解和正确把握 ;人民群众体现着思想政治工作主体和客体的统一 ,必须正确对待群众 ,坚持以群众为本 ;疏导是思想政治工作的基本方针 ,需要正确处理疏和导、疏导和思想斗争的关系 ;说理教育是思想政治工作的基本方法 ,需要讲究艺术和科学 ;身教重于言教是思想政治工作的基本原则 ,需要教育者注重自身素质的修养和以身作则 ;理想信念教育是思想政治工作的基本内容 ,必须紧扣主题 ;灌输是思想政治工作的基本职能 ,需要提高灌输的有效性 ;党的领导是思想政治工作的基本保证 ,需要进一步加强党的领导。 “Lifeline” is a scientific positioning and image expression of the status and role of ideological and political work and needs to be further accurately understood and correctly grasped. The people embody the unity of the subject and the object of ideological and political work, which must be treated correctly by the masses and adhered to the masses as the foundation. Deconstruction is the basic guideline of ideological and political work. It is necessary to correctly handle the relationship between deconstruction and guidance, deconstruction and ideological struggle. Dealing with education is the basic method of ideological and political work, and requires paying attention to the arts and sciences. , Requires educators to pay attention to their own quality of self-cultivation and lead by example; ideals and beliefs education is the basic content of ideological and political work must be closely linked to the theme; instillation is the basic function of ideological and political work, the need to improve the effectiveness of instillation; the party’s leadership is ideological and political The basic guarantee of work requires further strengthening the party’s leadership.
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