
来源 :中国房地产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuhuangyun1118
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商品房是改革开放以后才进入我国市场的一种商业产品。在长期的计划经济时代,国家对房地产一直实行着扩大公有制,缩小和限制城市私房的方针,除历史遗留下来的少量私房外,其它房地产不准许进入市场。因此,商品房的产生和发展,是我国房地产业步入市场经济的重要标志。20年来,我国商品房市场无论品种和数量,都有了长足的进展,特别是商品住宅,对发展我国住房商品化提供了充分的物质条件。然而,我国商品住宅市场存在的矛盾和困难也日趋明显,积压的商品住宅已持续多年不得扭转。究其主要原因,一是我国广大中低收入家庭住房消费能力较低,与商品住宅价格存在较大差距,市场相对狭小,这种情况在较大以上城市尤为突出;二是当前商品住宅价格较高,部分住宅设计和工程质量不合市场要求,特别是住宅成本构成问题严重,不合理的税费亟待清理;三是住房制度改革有待深化,必须改变职工依赖单位等、靠、要取得住房的实物分配途径;四是融资、市场流通、住宅售后物业管理等方面落后于住房商品化的形势,亟待提供充分条件和优质服务。 Commercial housing is a commercial product that entered the Chinese market only after the reform and opening up. In the era of long-term planned economy, the state has always followed the principle of expanding public ownership of real estate and narrowing and restricting urban private housing. No real estate is allowed to enter the market except for a few private houses left over from history. Therefore, the emergence and development of commercial housing is an important symbol of China’s real estate entering the market economy. In the past 20 years, no matter the variety and quantity of the real estate market in our country, great progress has been made. Especially, the commodity housing has provided sufficient material conditions for the development of China’s commercialization of housing. However, the contradictions and difficulties in the commodity housing market in our country have become increasingly obvious. The backlog of commodity houses has not been reversed for many years. The main reasons, first, the majority of low-income families in China’s housing consumption is low, there is a big gap between commodity housing prices, the market is relatively small, this situation is particularly prominent in larger cities; Second, the current price of commercial housing more High, part of the housing design and project quality unqualified market requirements, especially the cost of housing constitutes a serious problem unreasonable taxes need to be cleaned up; Third, housing reform needs to be deepened, we must change the workers rely on units, etc., to obtain housing in kind Distribution channels; Fourth, financing, market circulation, residential property management and other aspects behind the commercialization of housing situation, the urgent need to provide adequate conditions and quality service.
镇安县双庙乡邓家坡,是一个山青水秀的地方。这里曾因贾平凹的小说改编的电影《野山》的拍摄地而闻名。如今,又因一位女青年,在海拔 Zhenan double Temple Township Dengji
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目的:建立测定小鼠肝脏中16种胆汁酸浓度的LC-MS/MS法,并将测定结果应用于比较Nrf2野生型和基因敲除型小鼠胆汁酸代谢谱. 方法:小鼠肝脏样品加入70%甲醇匀浆,用甲醇沉淀匀