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关注汽车市场的朋友不难发现:加价提车的现象在车市中普遍存在。这不仅包括一些紧俏的、口碑甚好的高档豪华车型,就连十万元左右的经济型轿车也在加价出售。对于经销商这种加钱才能提车的行为,已经成为了行内一条不合法但却看似非常符合市场原则的不成文规矩。那么,各种车型的市场价格到底是不是非常符合市场供求规律?价格到底由谁说了算?到底是谁在额外加价?钱又入了谁的腰包呢?这一连串的问题,使得加价售车这一现象变得更加扑朔迷离。在现今社会,汽车作为一种高投入的耐用生活用品,已逐渐被广大群众所关注。人们在了解关注各种品牌车型的同时,也在密切注视着车价行情,只要市场上的汽车价格稍有波动,就能影响消费者的购车导向,价格的合理性对即将买车的人来说,它的重要性可想而知。其实,只要略懂车的人都知道,任何一款上市的新车出产厂家都会明码标价,也就是说新车上市以后,在全国范围内都有统一的价格,这相 Concerned about the automotive market is not difficult to find friends: increase car to the phenomenon of widespread in the automobile market. This includes not only some tight, very good reputation of luxury cars, even about one hundred thousand economy cars are also selling for sale. For the dealer to add money to mention the behavior of the car, has become an illegal line, but it seems very much in line with market principles unwritten rules. So, the market price of various models in the end is not in line with market supply and demand in the end? The price in the end by whom? In the end who is an additional fare increase? Whose money pockets into it? This series of questions, making the sale This phenomenon has become even more complicated and confusing. In today’s society, automobiles, as a kind of high-input and durable daily necessities, have gradually been paid attention by the general public. People are concerned about the attention of all kinds of brand models, but also are closely watching the market price of cars, as long as the market price of the car a little fluctuation, can affect the consumer car-oriented, the price of rationality for those who are about to buy a car That its importance can be imagined. In fact, as long as people who know a little about cars know that any listed car manufacturers will be clearly marked price, that is to say after the new car market in the country have a uniform price, this phase
在很短时间内对大量过往行人进行武器检查,是件很难处理的问题,也是空中保安人员经常面临的难题。 新的金属探测器检查标准由联邦航空局(AFF)于1991年开始实施,目前已在美国
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