
来源 :海洋地质译丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anjiulo
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非挤压盆地的演化可以用许多方法来模拟。现今的许多模式都建立在假想的诸如热与沉降之类的地球动力学参数与假定的构造拉伸量之间的数量关系上。盆地模拟的目的就是准确确定沉积盆地的地质历史并预测一些未知的参数。 模式不可避免地简化了复杂的自然关系。许多盆地形成的模式建立在一些特定的假设之上,如地壳的动力学特征(纯剪或单剪变形,被动标志的莫霍面、均衡拉伸、缺少老的脆弱带以及一定深度的变质作用等)和盆地的构造以及地质历史(纯粹热传导,下伏裂谷的存在等)。这些假设在研究程度比较低的地区一般难以得到验证,并且在某些情况下与一些地质现象相悖。为了有效地进行简化,在选择模式参数之前应详细了解地质体系,如果采用不适当的模式或参数不合适将导致错误结论。 许多不同的地球动力学过程控制着盆地的演化。如在北海地区,地幔柱活动和下地壳物质的运移发生在中、新生代。侏罗纪的地幔柱也许部分地受到古岩石圈构造的影响。 盆地分析更完善的方法是基于广泛资料基础上的多学科综合研究,对于各方面的研究,定量模拟可有可无。在综合盆地分析时,用地质资料约束重、磁和地震反射资料的解释,从 The evolution of non-extruded basins can be simulated in many ways. Many of today’s models are based on the quantitative relationship between hypothetical geodynamic parameters such as heat and sedimentation and the assumed amount of structural extension. The purpose of the basin simulation is to accurately determine the geological history of the sedimentary basin and to predict some unknown parameters. Patterns inevitably simplify complex natural relationships. Many basin-based models are based on specific assumptions such as crustal dynamics (pure shear or single shear deformation, passive sign Moho, equilibrium stretching, lack of old frangible zones and a certain degree of metamorphism Etc.) and the structure of the basin as well as the geological history (purely thermal conduction, the presence of underlying rifts, etc.). These assumptions are generally difficult to verify in areas of low research and in some cases run counter to some geological phenomena. For effective simplification, the geologic system should be understood in detail before selecting mode parameters, leading to erroneous conclusions if inappropriate modes or inappropriate parameters are used. Many different geodynamic processes control the evolution of the basin. As in the North Sea, mantle plume activity and the transport of lower crustal material occur in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Jurassic mantle plumes may be partially affected by the ancient lithospheric structure. A more sophisticated method of basin analysis is based on a broad range of multidisciplinary and comprehensive studies, which are dispensable for all aspects of research and quantitative modeling. In the integrated basin analysis, the use of geological data constrained heavy, magnetic and seismic reflection data interpretation, from
目的 探究在颈椎病患者的康复过程中定期采取放射诊断是否能取得较好的应用效果.方法 本次实验将选取134名于2018年1月至2019年1月在我院进行颈椎病康复治疗的病人,将其分入a
目的 分析健康教育在结核、艾滋病以及乙肝传染病中的实际预防控制效果.方法 选取某院2018年9月至2019年9月的结核、艾滋以及乙肝传染病患者大约120名,将其随机的分为对照组